Even after a successful installation of Sitecore Horizon, I came across a strange error while starting up Horizon. The error was an "HTTP 502.5 - Process Failure" error and mentioned that the application failed to start in the description.
ReadHorizon is the next-generation editor in the Sitecore Experience Platform. The behavior of a page in different devices and the analytics for the web pages can be viewed. This article explains the guidelines on how to set up Horizon for a Sitecore 9.3 solution.
ReadStep by Step guidelines to install Sitecore 9.3 with the help of Sitecore Installation Assistant (SIA), alongside instructions on setting-up the pre-requisites.
ReadStep-by-step instructions on how to setup unicorn on a Sitecore Helix solution. It also has a Github solution that can be used as a base setup.