Sitecore Engage is a JavaScript library for sending behavioral data from a web application to Sitecore CDP. It is also compatible with Typescript. In this article, we discuss the capabilities of the SDK.
ReadToday, Sitecore announced the Sitecore Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) awards for the year 2023. In total, 241 MVPs have been announced in the 3 categories, among which 137 are in the Technology category. I am fortunate to be one of them.
ReadSitecore has some pages that are available only for admin users. These pages are handy for debugging through specific scenarios. I list a few pages like this to my knowledge in this article.
ReadXM Cloud is the next advanced step towards composable DXP. XM Cloud enables us to utilize the best that Sitecore has to offer, without having to maintain the infrastructure. This article describes how you can deploy your website on XM Cloud to Vercel, with just one-click.