If you want to learn more about XM Cloud, and how to create a project on XM Cloud. Read my article about Getting started with XM Cloud here.
Go to the XM Cloud Deploy App: https://deploy.sitecorecloud.io/
Under projects, navigate to your project, and click on View project.
Open the XM Cloud Launchpad for your project.
Go to the Sites tab, and click on Add your first website.
You can either create an empty site or use a template. As of now, there is only one template called Basic Site. I will be choosing this template for the example.
Provide a proper site name, and click on Create website.
The site will now start building. In about 2 minutes, the site will be ready.
Once the site is ready, you can click on the Site to open it in Pages. Or you click on options and select Edit in Pages.
Pages is a modern WYSIWYG editor, exclusive to XM Cloud. The interface is similar to Horizon.
Your site is now created and ready for use.
Happy Sitecoring!!